Benefits for the exhibitor students
A big career opportunity

Participation in The CiiA - Innovation Exhibition & Competition shall be an advantage for direct talent acquisition from HR departments of corporates, industries, start-ups, research institutions and others in their research, developments & innovations department. It would be similar to the campus interviews for direct recruitments in prominent institutions like the IITs, IIM & others.

CiiA certificate to all including the award winners

Each participant student who gets selected to showcase their working models / prototypes / presentation shall get a CiiA innovations certificate of merit. This shall add value to their career & education portfolio.
Even those students who do not get through the final selection process for shortlisting purposes, but have applied and shown their working model of their innovation are also given CiiA innovations certificate of participation.

A free standard stall space at the exhibition

The selected exhibitors shall be offered a free standard stall at the 2.5 days exhibition to showcase their innovation exhibit's in-action working models / prototype / presentation et al. All participating exhibitors & their co-exhibitors are given 2 passes for the Award Presentation Ceremony.

Raising funds, grants et al for developing innovation models & perfecting it

CiiA encourages empanelled institutions to provide funding or support to tap the incubation centres, to fund the exhibits selected for the CiiA exhibition or to provide a grant to do further research, developments & innovations for improving and perfecting their Innovations models / prototypes.

Internal fundraising*

For smaller amounts required, the institution may initiate to raise funds internally through their internal sources, such as student groups, students’ union, students’ welfare associations, teaching staff association, parents’ association or initiate a special campaign for raising funds, depending upon the fund requirement for the project(s).

External fundraising*

Where the fund requirement is large for the project, say above Rs. 1 Lakh or more and that it cannot be met through internal sources as above, the fund raising is undertaken through crowd funding or institution’s trust, Government innovation grants or such other sources.

Mentors from the institutions

Most empanelled institutions may provide a mentor(s) to help the student exhibitors through their innovation cells & incubation centres to provide teaching staff mentors, to technically give proper shape and operational efficiency to their innovation exhibits. Mentors and other backup teaching staff provided by CiiA.

CiiA is also building resources to facilitate students communicate with the potential users for their innovation to get commercialised. CiiA shall connect them with suitable incubation centres, funding institutions, investors and others.

Winning student gets collateral recognition - The students of an institution who gets the 1st prize or a runner-up prize, the institution also gets the CiiA-Trophy.

The winning student gets recognition in their institution. Many institutions post his / her photo printed in the institution’s newsletter or their magazine or annual report and in the social media, whatsApp et al. The winners get celebrity status, by the institution recognising them in their college’s functions or cultural festivals and others.

Some institutions may also provide scholarships to the winners or a grant to do further research, development & innovations for improving on the innovation exhibit.

Other Collateral Benefits

Solo exhibitors may be provided by their institutions assistants to support in the demonstration and presentation of their working model / prototype at the CiiA - Innovations Exhibition & Competition

For the Award Presentation Ceremony up to 2 passes shall be offered to each attendant exhibitor including their co-collaborators.

CiiA Certificate - The lead innovator as well as other co-collaborators shall be presented with CiiA certificates. This shall enhance the career portfolio of the recipients.

The prize-winning exhibitor shall get up to 2 extra passes to invite friends / parents to the auditorium for the Award Presentation Ceremony.

Responsibilities of the Students participating in the CiiA-3 Innovations Exhibition & Competition

Translating an idea into a working model or prototype shall be entirely managed by the concerned student’s effort, knowledge & cost. (However, their Institution may help the students in providing a mentor, technical support and if possible, financial help, where possible).

The cost of lodging, boarding, food, water, travelling to and from the exhibition venue and displaying the exhibit shall be entirely borne by the exhibitor.

*CiiA does not have its own corpus to fund the projects and that these are to be undertaken only through their internal or external fundraising sources.However, the prize money won by the winning exhibits is our deemed funding to the exhibitors.

Click here to know more for awards & rewards

Click here (FORM 2) to apply for paticipation in CiiA exhibition